On September 12, 2018, "KRAN" Charitable Foundation celebrates 1st Year!

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The first year of charity in figures:
The targeted financial assistance for the amount of UAH 1,090,568.75 UAH covered the cost of treatment and specialized rehabilitation of 5 gravely wounded Heroes of Ukraine and 1 severely traumatised EuroMaidan volunteer.

Specialized rehabilitation equipment – an active stander Easy Stand Glider worth 388 944,00 UAH was purchased.

Dear Partners, like-minded – the supporters of Great Cause and high Values!

This charitable work for the benefit of Ukrainians was made possible through our joint efforts, work and Faith.

We sincerely THANK YOU ALL for your Trust and Actions!

Together, we raise the most” neglected and hopeless”, showing the triumph of Life and Love over disbelief, indifference, empty promises, the loss of time and resources at insignificant and vanishing.

Our deep respect to YOU for active support and timely regular assistance in Ukraine and from abroad!

WE go Together FORWARD! In the New Year!

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