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Kyiv hosted the 2nd annual International Summit of Cities and Regions, which was attended by more than 100 delegates from 16 European countries and the United States.
Among the many issues discussed, much attention was paid to the rehabilitation of war victims, especially the rehabilitation of war veterans and disabled veterans and their integration into society after returning from the front. The Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs is solving and implementing many things. This includes the creation of unified veterans’ spaces where veterans and their families, as well as families of fallen defenders, can receive a range of services in one city: from legal advice to medical rehabilitation.
Important issues were raised regarding the development of a network of modern rehabilitation centers in all regions of the country, the possibility of supporting and developing existing innovative rehabilitation centers, and the dissemination of the experience of those centers that have achieved strong results. Dialogues were held with Ukraine’s international partners and foreign donors to discuss the possibility of involving them in these projects.
The forum was attended by Vladyslav Kurysko, who recently went from being bedridden due to a severe spinal cord injury to running on a treadmill at the NODUS. It is very important and timely that his story is heard at a high state level!
We hope for the continuation and support of NODUS with its many years of effective experience! This center can do more with proper financial support! Soldiers can recover in Ukraine, at home! More than 900 of our defenders are waiting for their turn.

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