Easystand Glider

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EasyStand Glider (USA) – features state-of-the-art active standing technology found in no other stander. Active standing provides lower body range of motion and upper body strengthening.

There are many documented health benefits of standing including:

  • Improve/maintain bone integrity/skeletal development
  • Lessen/manage the progression of scoliosis
  • Strengthen cardiovascular system and build endurance
  • Improve Circulation
  • Reduce Swelling
  • Improve bowel function and regularity
  • Aid in kidney and bladder functions
  • Improve/maintain range of motion
  • Management of atrophy in the trunk and lower extremities
  • Manage pressure (ulcers) through changing positions
  • Improve strength to trunk and lower extremities
  • Decrease joint/muscle contractures

Project №1: EasyStand Glider (USA) – an active stander

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