NODUS Neurological & Neurosurgical Rehabilitation Research Centre

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NODUS Neurological & Neurosurgical Rehabilitation Research Centre is the only clinic in Ukraine with the complete cycle of care provided to patients with central and peripheral nervous system impairment.

The rehabilitation at Nodus is a team-based differentiated, multidisciplinary approach, using leading-edge technologies. The NODUS concept is efficiently implemented at all stages of recovery, applying highly-specialized equipment, i.e biofeedback robotic trainers, mechanic therapy computerized units, portable kinesiological therapy systems.

The center has the equipment for the diagnosis of the nervous system lesions (computer electroencephalography, electroneuromyography, induced potentials” evaluation, etc.) and for performimg neurosurgical interventions, providing the post-operative care and recovery of patients.

NODUS is the only private clinic in Ukraine, that has been implementing the Nodus Charity project for the gravely traumatised combatants & veterans of the ATO & United Forces Operation.

264 fighters were cured & recovered through this Charity program. 685 injured men are “on the waiting list”.

The approach of the Nodus team is unique, evidence-based and highly technological, which makes the clinic the most advanced in the field of neuro-rehabilitation in Ukraine and meets the world level of the specialized medical assistatnce provided to patients with injuries and severe nervous system disorders!

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