Новий рік - ми йдемо вперед

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Our dear donators and sponsors – People and companies, in Ukraine and abroad!

Let 2020 be generous to you in fulfilling dreams, implementing ambitious projects, making courageous breakthroughs and gaining incredible victories !
Be healthy, full of energy and inspiration! We wish you well-being, prosperity and Harmony!
We move forward Together to help those in need.
With gratitude to defenders of Ukraine!

Thanks to our joint efforts and united resources in 2019 “KRAN” Charitable Foundation rendered targeted financial assistance to 6 people (ATO veterans, a chaplain, an ATO veteran’s daughter ) for the amount of 892 714 UAH in the framework of the Nodus Charity project for severely wounded ATO veterans.

A medical equipment worth of 112 547,90 UAH , namely: a modern cardio-monitor was handed over to NODUS clinic and a hydraulic surgery table was donated to Brovary multi-profile hospital.

In 2019 charity assistance rendered amounted to 1 005 261,90 UAH.
Operational cost made up 9 366 UAH (0,93%.)

Be Powerful at 300W” charity project attracted 47 Ukrainian women in Ukraine and abroad. As of December 31, 2019 – 903 979.63 UAH and 795,20 Eur was fundraised for the purchase of a G-EO System Evolution robotic-assisted device to restore walking.


We go Forward!
Thanks to your care, activity, reliability! We go side-by-side with talented Ukrainian doctors and medical staff of NODUS neurorehabilitation center to help gravely injured heroes!
TOGETHER we create a powerful CRANE that lifts from despair and brings back to Life.

Let us create Ukraine!
Піднімемо! Найтяжчих! РАЗОМ!

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