Протидія covid-19 - допомога медикам

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Протидія covid-19 - допомога медикам
On December 24, 2020 “KRAN” Charity Fund together with 44 Training Centre handed over personal protective equipment (PPE) to Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital – this charity donation was financially supported by ACER.

At the initiative of Dmytro Androshchuk, Denys Kosharsky, Artem Polishchuk from 44 Training Centre in partnership with “KRAN” Charity Fund and charity donation of Acer the following PPE and disposable medical materials have been purchased and delivered to Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital: protective overalls, latex gloves, disinfectant, bacterial filters, protective shields, FFP3 respirators, high boot covers, oxygen masks, tonometers and disinfecting mats.

It all started with an Idea.

Dmytro Androschuk (44 Training Centre):
At the beginning of the pandemic our Training centre announced a proposal to companies, that we will conduct First medical aid training courses for free for those companies, willing to help acquire PPE and other items, required by hospitals fighting with Covid-19.

Recently Acer had asked us to suggest a hospital that would accept their help in treatment of Covid-19 patients. We addressed the COVID in-patient department of Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital to accept such donation.
Thanks to our partners – “KRAN” Charity Fund, we had received this financial donation and purchased the medical items required, that have been handed over to the hospital today.

Please note that Acer knew nothing about our initiative. And the company office staff in Kyiv underwent the first medical aid & fire security training course well before the pandemic started in Ukraine. This is the way socially responsible business acts.
To do Good is simply.

Іnna Danchenko (“KRAN” Charity Fund):
The medics are grateful, and we are happy, being able to do this for them, in fact, doing this for all of us.

A partnership of responsible and active people at challenging times, support of companies through their charity donations make doing Good possible when it is hard, difficult, anxious, but important to live, taking care of others.
Challengers harden us and make us stronger.

Health and Joy to All!

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