УКРІНФОРМ: презентація 300 W(omen) в Укрінформ

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On September 23, 2019 a press conference was held at the UKINFORM news agency with the presentation of the “Be POWERFUL at 300 W(omen)” charity project.

What does it mean to be powerful at 300 W(omen)? How can a community of Ukrainian women help lift severely wounded Ukrainian warriors from a wheelchair? Who are the most gravely injured warriors, who are not written about or shown on television?

The initiators & participants of this charity project answered all these questions. The project has been launched and implemented by “KRAN” Charitable Foundation in partnership with NODUS Neurological & Neurosurgical Rehabilitation Research Centre.

At the press conference the Fund announced about a new stage of the “Be powerful at 300 W(omen)” project implementation. This project is to unite 300 Ukrainian women to fundraise 300 000 Euro to acquire a robot-assisted walking rehabilitation equipment G-EO System Evolution. December 25, 2019 is the estimated date of the project completion.

As of September 26, 2019 this charity initiative has been supported by 42 Ukrainian business women.

The fundraising status is 504 934,87 UAH and 795.20Euro.

>> To SUPPORT the charity project, please follow this link. <<<

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