ЯПОНСЬКИЙ ТЕАТР PLAYBACK AZ збирає донати на апарат для відновлення ходьби важкопоранених захисників України

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Theatre during the war acts for the sake of Life.

The Playback AZ 劇団プレイバッカーズ Japanese theatre has been fundraising for two years at the performances to support the Be Powerful at 300 W(omen) charity project to pay for the GEO System Evolution gait restorative robotic device.

It is very touching to feel such incredible support, compassion and help from Japan, that is so far away from Ukraine.

THANK YOU! for your valuable contribution.

We are glad to see your smiling faces and a Thank You! from the “KRAN” Charitable Foundation in your hands.

We are grateful to Olesya Kyrylchuk, for the inspiration of many to make miracles, doing the impossible in this hard time for all of us.

There are no small donations, if such incredible People are doing such a great Cause, making our Victory come closer !🇺🇦

With sincere gratituded to the Ukrainian soldiers!

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